Natural Gas


October 8, 2024
IECA Files Motion to Intervene in Support of Transco Regional Energy Access Expansion Temporary Certificate

September 11, 2024
IECA Files Motion to Intervene and Protest Transco Pipeline Rate Increase of 44 Percent

September 4, 2024
IECA Amicus to Supreme Court – Seven County vs Eagle; U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia

July 30, 2024
IECA Opposes Title VI LNG Exports of The Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 (view press release)

July 29, 2024
49 Consumer Organizations Support Permitting Reform to Build More Natural Gas Pipelines (view press release)

July 29, 2024
IECA Reply Comments: Petition for Rulemaking to Update Commission Regulations Regarding Allocation of Interstate Pipeline Capacity: Docket No. RM22-17-000

July 25, 2024
IECA Urges FERC to Initiate Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Rate Cases (view press release)

July 23, 2024
IECA Urges Congress to Amend the Natural Gas Act, Section 5 to Give FERC Authority to Refund Overcharges by Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines (view press release)

June 6, 2024
IECA Urges Senate To Swiftly Confirm FERC Commissioners (view press release)

May 7, 2024
IECA Refutes Pipeline Claims that S. 4171 Would “Hamstring Pipelines Ability to Expand” (view House letter) (view press release)

April 18, 2024
Manufacturers Support MPACT Act to Protect Consumers from Being Overcharged by Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines

April 17, 2024
Comments for Record to House Committee on Oversight Hearing on LNG Exports

April 17, 2024
LNG Exports Increase Natural Gas and Electricity Prices and Volatility

March 20, 2024
IECA, Along with Several Other Organizations, Support the Making Pipelines Accountable to Consumers and Taxpayers (MPACT) Act of 2024

March 5, 2024
IECA DOE Input on “LNG Pause Assessment” (view press release)

February 15, 2024
LNG Exports Have Market Power Over U.S. Consumers

February 12, 2024
IECA Opposes H.R. 7176, the Unlocking Domestic LNG Potential Act

February 7, 2024
IECA Submits Comments for the Record on Hearing to “Examine the Administration’s Pause on LNG Export Approvals and the Department of Energy’s Process for Assessing LNG Export Applications” (view press release)

February 5, 2024
IECA Submits Comments for the Record for Hearing on “Politics Over People: How Biden’s LNG Export Ban Threatens America’s Energy and Economic Security” (view press release)

February 5, 2024
IECA LNG Inventory Policy

January 25, 2024
IECA Urges DOE to Insulate the U.S. Market from LNG Impacts and Pause New Approvals (view press release)

January 12, 2024
IECA Reaffirms Its Support for MVP Southgate Pipeline Certificate


October 2, 2023
IECA Supports MVP Southgate Pipeline Expansion

September 18, 2023
IECA Opposes LNG Export Bill H.R. 1130 – “Protects LNG Exports at Expense of U.S. Consumers” (view press release)

July 19, 2023
IECA Urges FERC to Approve Transco Pipeline Southside Reliability Enhancement Project

May 8, 2023
IECA Supports S. 1410, the “Energy Consumer Protection Act”

March 29, 2023
IECA Urges Congress to Oppose Section 10007, Unlocking Our Domestic LNG Potential – U.S. Already Exports 21 Percent of Natural Gas and Will Increase to 35 Percent by 2027

March 27, 2023
IECA Urges Congress to Remove Section 10007, Unlocking Our Domestic LNG Potential

March 23, 2023
Status of LNG Export Terminals

March 8, 2023
LNG Exports Exceed Net U.S. Supply for Six of Eight Years

March 6, 2023
IECA Urges Congress to Oppose H.R. 1130, the “Unlocking Our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2023”

February 2, 2023
39 States are Dependent Upon Supply of Natural Gas from Other States – Will be Impacted by LNG Exports

February 2, 2023
IECA Strongly Opposes the “Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2023” (view press release)

January 30, 2023
Comments for the Record on “American Energy Expansion: Strengthening Economic, Environmental, and National Security” Hearing


December 13, 2022
IECA Urges Governors to Address the Growing Natural Gas Scarcity Along Entire Eastern Seaboard (view press release)

November 30, 2022
IECA Urges Use of the Defense Production Act to Build Desperately Needed Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity Along the Entire Eastern Seaboard (view press release)

November 1, 2022
IECA Comments to the North American Energy Standards Board on Gas-Electric Forum

October 18, 2022
China Has Locked Up About 44 Percent of All Contracted U.S. LNG (view press release)

October 11, 2022
IECA Comments to NAESB Gas Electric Harmonization Forum October 21, 2022 Meeting

October 7, 2022
China Contracts for 44 Percent of U.S. LNG – National & Economic Security Implications (view press release)

September 9, 2022
Manufacturers Ask Congress to Give FERC Responsibility to Ensure that there is Adequate Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity for Reliability (view press release)

August 11, 2022
Manufacturers Intervene in Opposition to Lake Charles Exports, LLC and Lake Charles LNG Export Company

August 5, 2022
Response By IECA to Lake Charles Exports, LLC and Lake Charles LNG Export Company

July 25, 2022
IECA Supports the Regional Energy Access Expansion Project

July 25, 2022
IECA Comments on FERC’s Revised Filing and Reporting Requirements for Interstate Natural Gas Company Rate Schedules and Tariffs

July 11, 2022
Manufacturers Intervene in Opposition to Lake Charles LNG Extension to 2050 (view press release)

June 28, 2022
U.S. Manufacturing Needs the Mountain Valley Pipeline (view press release)

June 28, 2022
IECA Files Motion to Intervene on the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company

June 14, 2022
Freeport LNG Fire Illustrates the Inflationary Impact of LNG Exports

May 25, 2022
IECA Comments on FERC’s “Certification of New Interstate Natural Gas Facilities”

May 20, 2022
IECA Responds to FERC Meeting Regarding High Natural Gas Prices

April 25, 2022
IECA Comments on Certification of New Interstate Natural Gas Facilities; Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Natural Gas Infrastructure Project Reviews

April 12, 2022
IECA Urges Secretary Granholm to Implement IECA’s “LNG Consumer Protection” Options

April 6, 2022
IECA Urges Chairman Manchin to Establish LNG Consumer Safety Valve (view press release)

March 2, 2022
IECA Comments for the Record on the Senate Committee Energy and Natural Resources Hearing to “Review FERC’s Recent Guidance On Natural Gas Pipelines” (view press release)

February 16, 2022
Manufacturers Request that FERC Hold Technical Conference on Federal-State Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Coordination and Oversight to Increase Reliability (view press release)

February 9, 2022
Lack of Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity Threatens Manufacturing Operations, Investments, Jobs, and Supply Chain (view press release)

February 2, 2022
Manufacturers Urge CFTC to Investigate the Natural Gas Market’s Largest One-Day Gain in History (view press release)

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